 Wi-Fi, networking and connectivity

Get help with campus Wi-Fi and Internet.

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Wi-Fi – eduroam

Access eduroam Wi-Fi for seamless browsing on campuses worldwide.

Articles (3)

Public Wi-Fi at Sask Polytech

SASKPOLYTECHpublic provides open, unsecured wireless Internet access in most locations at each campus.
If you have a Sask Polytech username and password and need secure Wi-Fi with higher bandwidth, please use eduroam wi-fi.

Sharing a mobile connection by tethering or hotspot

Use your phone’s mobile data/Wi-Fi connection to connect another phone, tablet, or computer to the Internet.
Some mobile carriers limit or charge extra for tethering. We recommend checking with your service provider.

Trouble accessing the Sask Polytech domain on eduroam Wi-Fi

Users may have static DNS set which prevents them from accessing the Sask Polytech domain. Ensure that the settings for IPv4 are set to obtain DNS automatically.
Error: unable to access the Sask Polytech domain while signed into Eduroam.