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Applicant Hub:
if you are having issues with your online application in Applicant Hub, please email
for help.
Confirm your identity
Select at least two ways of identity verification
Confirm your identity
9-digit Sask Polytech ID number
Sask Polytech username
Phone number
Street address
Date of birth
Alternate email
9-digit Sask Polytech ID number
This will be compared with the 9-digit Sask Polytech ID number that we have on file.
Sask Polytech username
This will be compared with the Sask Polytech username we have on file.
Phone number
Your phone number. This will be compared with the phone number we have on file.
Street Address
This will be compared with the street address we have on file.
Date of birth
Your birth date in the format MM/DD/YYYY. This will be compared with the birth date that we have on file.
Alternate Email Address
Type of issue or request
Type of issue or request
Password reset
Text, app or security key sign-in
Applicant Hub (online application)
I'm not sure
Account information will be sent to the alternate email address on file. Please allow up to 24 hours to receive password reset instructions through email.
Describe your issue or request
Unable to log in to your account and don't know the issue? Describe it here.
Press Alt + 0 within the editor to access accessibility instructions, or press Alt + F10 to access the menu.
Upload images or files
Attach any relevant files or images.
Other Fields
Your name
Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
Verification Code