The T2202 (i.e., Tuition and Education Amounts Certificate) is an official income tax receipt issued by qualifying educational institutions for tax credits that may be claimed on a personal income tax return. According to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regulations, a T2202 must be filed with your income tax assessments.
Tax forms are available electronically on mySaskPolytech no later than the end of February each year for the preceding taxation year (e.g., by February 28, 2023, for the 2022 tax year).
Viewing or printing your T2202 tax form
Follow these steps to view your T22:
- Sign into
- Search for the Tax Receipts card
- Under Tax Receipts, click T2202 tax receipt.
- Click T2202 Tax Credit Form.
- Select the Tax year and View Data or Printable T2202 then click Submit.
If your tax form does not open, you may need to disable popups.
Can I print a duplicate copy of my T2202A?
Yes, second and subsequent copies include the printed word **Duplicate**.
How can I get my T2202A if I do not have a computer, printer or access to the Internet?
Sask Polytech Libraries and other locations have computers where students can access mySaskPolytech. Other locations include Saskatchewan colleges, places of employment, community libraries, and Internet cafés, etc.
If none of these options is available to you, you may contact Registration Services (in person with proof of identification), by email, or by phone. Registration services can mail a copy of your T2202A to your address on record or print it for you to pick up at any Sask Polytech campus (you need to arrange in advance and bring identification with you).
You can contact the campus directly using the contact information below:
- 306-691-8383
- 306-775-7301
- 306-765-1600
- 306-659-4800
Trouble accessing your account or viewing your T22?
Submit a ticket. You must have your student ID number in order for the us to assist you.
Your ID number is available on mySaskPolytech, and on various letters, receipts, confirmations, etc.