Adding PaperCut printer on a MAC


Adding PaperCut printer on a MAC


Follow the steps below to install PaperCut printer on a MAC

  1. On your Mac device, open System Preferences and click on Printers & Scanners. 

  2. Add a Printer: Click on the + to add a new printer

    Depending on your macOS or OS X version, you might see a dropdown menu after clicking +, in chich case click Add a Printer or Scanner

  3. Add the Secure_BW Printer: Click on IP, next to Default, and match the settings on your computer with this screenshot.

  4. Select Duplexer check box on next screen

  1. Add the Secure_Colour Printer: Click on following link and download driver package. HP 5.1.1 Printer Software Update
  2. Run and install HPPrinterDrvers.pkg
  3. Click on the + to add a new printer

  4. Click IP, next to Default, and match the settings on your computer with this screenshot.
  5. For driver click Use field and select “Select Software”. 
  6. Search and select the “HP Color LaserJet 9500 MFP”.

  7. Next, send a print job and verify the user can log on to the MFP and see it.


Requirements Audience Cause
Sask Polytech Computer connected to the Sask Polytech network or VPN Employees User needs to install PaperCut printer on a MAC computer





Article ID: 6315
Wed 6/28/23 5:29 PM
Wed 6/5/24 12:34 PM